Day Workshops
Most terms, we host at least one day workshop on a weekend. These workshops are led by invited leaders prominent in the natural voice and related communities and give everyone a chance to experience a variety of approaches and repertoire.
Workshops are usually advertised on the website, so do keep an eye out.
These workshops are usually open to all adults who enjoy singing, and not restricted to members of Purple Cats. We keep costs to a minimum by requesting people to bring food to share for lunch, and to take part in self-help arrangements for washing-up etc.
In addition to facilitating an inspiring day's singing, we ask workshop leaders to pass the songs we learn to our regular teachers, so they can become part of the Purple Cats repertoire.
Workshops are usually advertised on the website, so do keep an eye out.
These workshops are usually open to all adults who enjoy singing, and not restricted to members of Purple Cats. We keep costs to a minimum by requesting people to bring food to share for lunch, and to take part in self-help arrangements for washing-up etc.
In addition to facilitating an inspiring day's singing, we ask workshop leaders to pass the songs we learn to our regular teachers, so they can become part of the Purple Cats repertoire.